Prophetic Consultant, Intercessor, Coach & Awarded photo artist Daniel Åström

© Samuel Jonsson/Samuels foto
© Samuel Jonsson/Samuels foto

About Daniel Åström

Daniel Åström graduated from the the two year training program for emerging prophets in December 2023.
From the raising prophets program, by Global Prophetic Alliance in Glasgow.
Where he has been recognized as a prophet and commissioned as a prophetic leader. He is involved in training prophets and persons with the prophetic gift.
He is also trained and certified as facilitating mentor by Prowess Leadership Institute.
In addition, he has studied theology for a total of three years (without a degree).
Daniel has a specific calling for the business world with a special role in releasing prophetic visions/”blueprints” and strategies.

His mission is to coach leaders and organizations to walk in the Glory of God. Advancing the Kingdom of God.
Led by The Holy Spirit. Co-laboring with God. Based on a lifestyle of intimacy with The Lord Jesus Christ from a place of rest.
His work in releasing prophetic visions and strategies is based on facilitative mentorship and professional tools.

In partnership with you and the Holy Spirit, he equips you in your walk with the Lord to advance God’s Kingdom.
Central to his mission is the impartation of skills and knowledge, equipping and training his clients to attune themselves to divine guidance.
The key lies in empowering individuals to hear directly from God, fostering a deep and personal intimacy that enhances their spiritual discernment.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Eph 4:11-13 (NIV).

Trees in prophetic dream interpretation – leaders; mature believers; steady

Prophetic partnership

My range of services is based on a concept of mutual partnership.
Partnership in the Kingdom of God is a dynamic collaboration rooted in God’s purposes and mutual support.
Each partner contributes unique gifts, insights, and resources, enabling them to achieve goals that none of them could accomplish alone.

My role in this partnership is to equip you to hear God’s voice, so that you can grow in being led by His Spirit. Walk in God’s glory.
With the primary focus on your own growth in relationship, friendship, and partnership with The Lord, based on the greatest commandment in God’s Word:

”‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Mat 22:37-38 (NIV)

Prophetic coaching

Prophetic facilitating coaching is purpose driven – I.E. it is about finding the God given call/destiny for an individual or business.
It is strategic/structured and futuristic.

Focused on facilitating prophetic visions and strategies. Based on the concept of ”Now –> Where —> How”.

The primary objective is to foster your growth in personal intimacy with the Lord during our coaching sessions, ultimately leading to an enhanced ability to hear directly from the Lord Jesus Christ Yourself.

Graphic designed by Katemangostar / Freepik

Prophetic consulting

Do you need a breakthrough in a specific area?
Or do you require prophetic wisdom and guidance? 
Do you need help testing or understanding a prophetic word that has been spoken over you? 
Perhaps you need to devise strategies to ensure the fulfillment of the prophetic word spoken over you? 
Most prophetic words are conditional. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend how to collaborate with God to see them fulfilled!

The basis for prophetic consultation is that I will operate in a structured manner. I will ask you strategic questions while actively listening to both you and the Holy Spirit, enabling you to obtain the necessary keys and strategies for your breakthrough.

Prophetic intercession

I offer prophetic intercession. Where I pray together with and for you and the business that you lead.
And ask the Lord Jesus what He has to say to you and about the business.
Afterward, I convey what I have heard from the Lord so that you can test the word and act upon it.
All based on the principle of prophetic partnership.

Partners testimonials

I have had the privilege of working with Daniel on x number of occasions. 
In a structured and patient way, Daniel has helped me gain insights into myself, my strengths, which values are important to me, 
and which qualities and skills God has equipped me with.
Furthermore, I have received great help in understanding the importance of having a vision and co-labor with God to achieve it.

During the process. The Lord Jesus Christ gave me two inner visions about what God called me to do with my business and work life. (This was the first time I heard from the Lord in this way).

With a focus on structure, continuity, and, more important. Seeking the guidance of God. By continuously growing in a close relationship and intimacy with Jesus. 
I have come a long way on my journey as a person and entrepreneur.

Rickard Carlsson, consultant.

Prophetic art

Daniel has a background as an international sports photographer. Who had his work published all over the world.
Together with a total of 18 international photo awards and 10 honorable mentions.

All photo awards for Daniel Åström.
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