Prophetic coaching

Prophetic facilitating coaching is purpose driven – I.E. it is about finding the God given call/destiny for an individual or business.
It is strategic/structured and futuristic. Focused on facilitating prophetic visions and strategies.
The keywords in this work are Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategies.
The work is based on the concept of ”Now –> Where —> How”.

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The Now is based on the current situation. What needs to be changed. In this phase the main focus is to find Your “why” I.E. Your God given purpose/call.

Where is focused on facilitating a prophetic vision. Finding what the future is meant to look like. Defining a vision that is clearly stated in both, written down, measurable goals and a “illustrated vision” using “non verbal language”.
“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint” Proverbs 29:18 (ESV)
“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” Habakuk 2:2 (NIV)

Flying in prophetic dream interpretation – call or ability of move in the higher things of God; understanding the spirit realm of God.

“How” is about facilitating the strategies and setting step by step goals to achieve the prophetic vision.

Life coaching/facilitating mentorship is based on the principle that the client has the intrinsic ability to determine and achieve their goals. 
All of the above is based on co-working/co-creating with God from a place of intimacy and rest with The Lord Jesus Christ.
Prophetic life coaching operates on the foundational belief that clients possess the inherent ability to identify and accomplish their goals through a connection with the divine, actively seeking guidance from God for themselves.

My role is to assist you in formulating a comprehensive plan, delineating actionable steps, and ensuring accountability throughout the process.
Employing strategic thinking, I will leverage skills such as keen observation, deep listening, and the art of posing empowering questions.
I am committed to challenging and motivating you without delving into counseling or analyzing your past.

Distinguishing itself from conventional life coaching, prophetic coaching stands out for its emphasis on being led by the Holy Spirit.
The primary objective is to foster your growth in personal intimacy with the Lord during our coaching sessions, ultimately leading to an enhanced ability to hear directly from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through this process, your true God-given potential is unlocked, enabling you to grow in your ability to co-labor and create alongside God, operating in His power and for His purposes.

This coaching relationship is a collaborative partnership involving myself as the coach, you as the client, and the Holy Spirit. The ultimate aim is to facilitate your growth in a specific area you wish to transform. Essential to this process is a shared commitment from both coach and client to maintain a relationship with the Holy Spirit, allowing His guidance and communication to permeate our coaching journey.

My prophetic, facilitating coaching consists of one meeting/zoom call for 1,5-2 hours per session every other week. For a total of six sessions.

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